When there is hope, there is always a future^___^! this goes out to all my friends if you are feeling hopelessness or depressed, sometimes all it takes to change that attitude is to change the perspective on how you view things. find the right key to unlock the door.
i sleep like nobody's business and i got the weirdest of all dreams
i actually dreamt that my file( YES MY HW FILE) is haunted and all my worksheets are vanishing. I dun understand why but i am actually screaming in horror in my dream. LIKE FEELING PURE FEAR! but if u actually think about it in real life it is not that scary at all.
So if this can be applied to other context as well. for example, sometimes you are afraid of doing a particualr task, You are very worried you might not be able to accomplish it. but when you are forced to do it and you are able to complete it, looking back at the incident it is not that scary isn't it?